The International Centre for Theoretical Physics and its Involvement in Scientific Fraud

von Stephen J. Crothers

Webseite von Stephen J. Crothers:

The International Centre for Theoretical Physics
and its Involvement in Scientific Fraud

In 2005 the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, established its Abdus Salam electronic open archive, ostensibly for the free dissemination of scientific papers, the URL of which is

It turns out that this is a lie. The ICTP actually censors papers submitted to it for posting on its archive. It does not matter if the papers have been published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals or not.

Any paper which questions the orthodox views, or provides sound theoretical arguments or adduces observational evidence which in some way undermines the generally accepted theory or interpretations of data, is either rejected at the outset, or removed from the archive some time later. No notification or explanation is sent to the author of the paper.

In my own case, I had 11 papers posted to the Abdus Salam archive, with a 12th paper pending. My papers had been on the archive for periods of several weeks to several months. These papers have all been published in peer-reviewed international scientific journals during 2005 and 2006, namely

Progress in Physics

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences D (Physics)

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences E (Mathematics)

My work adduces cogent theoretical analysis, within the very framework of General Relativity itself, proving that neither the Black Hole nor the Big Bank are consistent with General Relativity, and documented proof that the scientific historical record of the Black Hole has been deliberately suppressed, distorted, manipulated, and falsified by the orthodox relativists. […]


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