The Twin Paradox: Why it is Required by Relativity

von Steven Bryant

The Twin Paradox: Why it is Required by Relativity
Steven Bryant
Vortrag vom 09.07.2011 bei der 18. Internationalen Konferenz
der Natural Philosophy Alliance
, College Park, Maryland, USA

The Twin Paradox is one of the most well known and debated paradoxes associated with Relativity theory. Opponents challenge Relativity theory on the grounds that the Twin Paradox reveals an underlying flaw in the theory. Such opponents feel that the existence of a paradox, in and of itself, is sufficient to disqualify the theory.

Supporters explain the paradox by introducing the concept of acceleration into the theory, thus limiting the interpretation to the twin that was undergoing the force of acceleration. However, both interpretations fail to explain why Relativity requires the paradox, which is actually the result of using a length based model to interpret wavelength based observations. Here we show the proper use and interpretation of wavelength based observations using wavelength based equations, and how the mistaken use of length based equations results in time dilation, length contraction, and the Twin Paradox.


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