Fiction Stranger Than Truth: in the metaphysical labyrinth of relativity

von Nikolai Rudakov

Fiction Stranger Than Truth:
in the metaphysical labyrinth of relativity
Nikolai Rudakov

Verlag: N. Rudakov, 1981 Original von University of Chicago

„In his book, Fiction Stranger Than Truth, Nikolai Rudakov wrote that the special theory’s concept of length contraction is based on the Mendelssohnian concept that an observer
should not take into account the time that it takes for a beam of light to travel through space. „This excellent study of the metaphysical labyrinth of relativity was the first revelation to this author [Harold Aspden] that his (my) non-mathematical book ‚Modern Aether Science‘ was, in 1973, branded by a reviewer as the work of a crackpot.

The work did receive two critical reviews, one in Nature, and both naming the same reviewer, a strong and now well placed member of the relativistic aristocracy. This reviewer was no crank in the eyes of the Establishment; he had just had a book of his own published showing how relativity was consistent with the universe erupting from a pin point, expanding and then, as time reversed, contracting back into its initial singularity! Such is the arena in the modern struggle between we Davids and the relativistic Goliaths.“ – Harold Aspden


Weitere Kapitel der Arbeit von Nikolai Rudakov finden Sie hier:

Nikolai Rudakov: „Mystique“
Nikolai Rudakov: „Mathematics“
Nikolai Rudakov: „Fundamental Principles“
Nikolai Rudakov: „Inertial Systems“
Nikolai Rudakov: „Electrodynamics”
Nikolai Rudakov: „Relativity Postulate”
Nikolai Rudakov: „Light Postulate”
Nikolai Rudakov: „Motion of Light”
Nikolai Rudakov: „Simultaneity”
Nikolai Rudakov: „Einstein’s Assumptions”

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