The point-like dipole radiation and modification of Maxwell equations using the continuum mechanics pinciples

von Vadim S. Ilyin und Igor S. Nefedov

The point-like dipole radiation and modification of Maxwell equations using the continuum mechanics pinciples
Vadim S. Ilyin, Igor S. Nefedov – Amazon
In: Instantaneous action at a distance in modern physics: pro and contra. Ed.: A. E. Chubykalo, N. V. Pope, R. Smirnov-Rueda. Commack, NY. 1999, S. 209-222.

Die Forschungsgruppe G.O. Mueller referiert in der Ergänzung des Kapitels 4 ihrer Dokumentation diese Arbeit von Vadim S. Ilyin und Igor S. Nefedov:

Für den Begriff der instantanen Fernwirkung (immediate action-at-a-diatance) wird die Abkürzung IAAAD verwendet.

– Newtons instantane Fernwirkung wurde Ende des 19. Jh. wegen der Ergebnisse von Faraday und Maxwell aufgegeben (S. 209): „However, some electromagnetic (EM) phenomena cannot be explained in the framework of the Maxwell’s short-range interaction and one would be forced to return to IAAAD concept.“

Verweist auf 3 Arbeiten von Chubykalo u. Smirnov-Rueda zum Problem der longitudinalen Effekte der Ladungsbewegung (S. 209): „… to the fact that the Lienard-Wiechert (LW) potentials are not adequate for a correct description of the properties of EM field along the direction of an arbitrary charge movement. Namely, „the Poynting vector represents a real flux of electromagnetic energy, and from the accepted point of view is the unique mechanism associated with the change of field components for every space point in any direction.

However, neither longitudinal nor tranverse components of LW potentials can contribute to the Poyinting vector along the direction of motion of the charge, and therefore there is no flux of EM energy associated with the change of field components in this direction“.“

Zur Lösung des Problems nehmen die Autoren das gleichzeitige Bestehen von IAAAD nach Newton und einer „short-range interaction“ nach Faraday/Maxwell an. Das Dipol-Problem wird in vielen Darstellungen der Electrodynamik behandelt, führt jedoch zu einigen Paradoxa der Maxwell Theorie (S. 211); die Autoren entwickeln daher modifizierte Maxwell Gleichungen und neue Lösungen für das Dipol-Feld (S. 214-220).

Ergebnis (S. 221): „The proposed model removes the singularities of the energy and momentum for oscillating dipole and explains the mechanism of the longitudinal force interaction of the accelerated charges. The longitudinal interaction is caused by the charge cloud, produced by the moving charge. Since the interaction with the static field of the rest charge is not local, our model of longitudinal interactionis [!] is a longe-range [!] one and supports the concept of the instantaneous action-at-adistance.“

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