Recent developments in the relativistic electrodynamics controversy
von Gianfranco Spavieri, Miguel Rodríguez und Edgar Moreno
Recent developments in the relativistic electrodynamics controversy
Gianfranco Spavieri, Miguel Rodríguez, Edgar Moreno
In: Episteme. An international journal of science, history and philosophy, Nr. 6, Parte 2. 2002, 21. Dez., ca. 13 S.
Zitiert von der Forschungsgruppe G.O. Mueller in 2394 weitere kritische Veröffentlichungen zur Ergänzung der Dokumentation Textversion 1.2 – 2004, Kapitel 4.
Auszüge: „Abstract. – In this paper we consider the controversial facets of two tests that are supposed to show experimental evidence against the accepted standard electrodynamics based on special relativity. The first refers to the detection of longitudinal electromagnetic forces in current carrying conductors, and the second represents a modified version of the Trouton-Noble experiment for which a non-null result has been found. Although the first test is inconclusive, the positive result of the second, if it is really such, is surprisingly in agreement with standard electrodynamics.
This is a scientific controversy between physicists in favour of the standard relativistic interpretation of classical electrodynamics and physicists that favour an approach to electrodynamics based on coordinate transformations different from the Lorentz transformations and, thus, negate the validity of special relativity.
Before going into the details, we would like to make a general comment on the reliability of the papers that deal with this type of conflicting aspects of fundaments of physics. As it has been remarked by several epistemologists and experts in the philosophy of science, most physicists assume spontaneously a partial position in these discussions. The remark is that some experimentalists are tempted to, and in fact do, try to arrange the experimental set up in such a way that the data are trimmed or slightly modified in favour of expected or desired results, which would corroborate their own visions or theories. Moreover, it is not uncommon to find out that theoreticians may have selected from the existing theory formulas or partial approaches that lead to a theoretical result in agreement with their vision, most of the times neglecting „unintentionally“ other formulas or approaches that would lead to opposite or different results.“
Some physicists, either in favour the official, standard view of accepted theories or not, assume generally a rigid and dogmatic attitude that often prevents discussion and advances. Sometimes this attitude prevents the research of issues that later are recognized as real fundamental unsolved problems of modern physics.“
- 8. Oktober 2012
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