On frequency-dependent light speed

von Sergey N. Arteha

On frequency-dependent light speed
Sergey N. Arteha

In: Galilean electrodynamics. 15. 2004, Special issues 1 (Spring), S. 3-8.
S. 3-4: „Criticism of some aspects of SRT

Die Forschungsgruppe G.O. Mueller referiert in der Ergänzung des Kapitels 4 ihrer Dokumentation diese Arbeit von Sergey N. Arteha:

Schickt seinen Erörterungen zwei erkenntnistheoretische Bedingungen voraus (S. 3-4): „First, confirmation within experimental accuracy for the laws of motion (the observable net results) cannot be considered as justification of all the methods used to obtain these results.

Net results as well as starting principles and intermediate methods must all themselves be true as such! Second, arguing SRT’s basic notions of space and time to be erroneous in no way implies a return to classical mechanics for the description of real particle motions.These two theories are not interrelated in any way.“

Zeigt an einem konkreten Beispiel die Widersprüchlichkeit relativistischer Behauptungen (S. 4):

Let us demonstrate the methodological contradiction of generally-accepted transformations for the fields. Let there be two infinite non-charged parallel wires. Let the electrons in both wires move in the same direction at constant speed relative to a positively charged frame (i.e. we have equal current densities j). Then for the classical case, in the expression for the field the quantity [Formel] is an invariant; i.e. the field H[…] and the effect of this field do not depend on the velocity of the system. But for the relativistic consideration (sinde E =0) we have [Formel], i.e. this field depends on the speed of motion of the observer. However, the following two cases obviously equivalent:

1) the system with velocity v(obs) = 0 , i.e. the observer is resting relative to the frame, and the electrons are moving at velocity v, and 2) the system is moving at velocity v(obs) = v , i.e., the observer is resting relative to the electrons, and the frame (with positive ions) is moving in the opposite direction at velocity -v (the same current).

But the relativistic formula gives for these cases different values of H[…] (and effects of fields), which is absurd.“

Untersucht die Möglichkeit und eventuelle Folgen einer Frequenzabhängigkeit der Lichtgeschwindigkeit (S. 5-8).


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