Timelessness paradox

von Roger J. Anderton

Timelessness paradox
Roger J. Anderton

In: The general science journal, 2012 – 4 S.

Beitrag aus dem GOM-Projekt: 2394 weitere kritische Veröffentlichungen zur Ergänzung der Dokumentation Textversion 1.2 – 2004, Kapitel 4:

According to Einstein: time does not exist. Einstein’s theorising starts from contradiction and leads to paradoxes, one of these paradoxes is his belief in “timelessness”. This “timelessness” is one of the issues at the heart of trying to unify Einstein’s relativity with quantum physics.

Einstein early on in his famous 1905 paper on Special Relativity (SR) [1] says: “We will raise this conjecture (the purport of which will hereafter be called the “Principle of Relativity”) to the status of a postulate, and also introduce another postulate, which is only apparently irreconcilable with the former, namely, that light is always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body.”

And he does not explain how they can be reconciled. In many of my papers I deal with how they might reconciled, and how what they mean seems to have changed with different users. But taking the statement as it stands that they are irreconcilable and accepting them as irreconcilable, it means that he is building on contradiction. (See my article “Heart of the contradiction of Special Relativity” – whereby some people manage to convince themselves into believing a contradiction when they decide to believe SR.)

If we look at the twin paradox: where person A observing B travelling at constant speed with a slower clock than A, then by relativity – the rest frame of B claims it is A’s clock that is slower.

Thus A claims B’s clock as slower and B claims A’s clock as slower.

What A could do is slow his clock down to the rate at which he sees of B’s clock. Then by A’s frame both clocks would go at the same rate. And by relativity – if A sees B ’s clock as the same rate then from rest frame of B – clock A would be same rate as himself. i. e. both A and B should see their clocks as the same rate if A slows his clock rate down.

However, B could have looked from his frame and saw A’s clock as slower, and slowed his clock down to match A’s clock, then both clocks would go at same rate by relativity. i. e. if B slows his clock rate down to match B’s clock then both A and B should see their clocks as the same rate. This contradiction and many contradictions like this are ignored by Einstein believers:

(1) A slows his clock rate down to match B then both clocks are the same rate
(2) B slows his clock rate down to match A then both clocks are the same rate.

Its amazes me that those who believe Einstein cannot see the contradiction that slowing down either clock makes them go at the same rate; when it is clearly nonsensical; instead they carry on with this line of thinking.

So proceeding with this line of thinking based on contradiction it leads Einstein to believe that time does not exist, a concept called “timelessness.” A useful concept for those who want to believe in some sort of science fiction time travel.

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