Anti-relativist association in USSR

von Pavel Fyedorovich Parshin

Anti-relativist association in USSR:
[Mitteilung aus Leningrad per Luftpostbrief v. 10. Dez. 1990, der am 15. Mai 1991 die Redaktion erreichte]
P. F. Parshin, Editorial Board Member

In: Galilean electrodynamics. 2. 1991, Nr. 4, Juli/Aug., S. 79.

Die Forschungsgruppe G.O. Mueller referiert im Kapitel 4 ihrer Dokumentation diese Mitteilung von P.F. Parshin:

Under the auspices of the journal „Tekhnika molodezhi“ (Technology for the young) there is an anti-relativistic group at the laboratory „Inversor“ … Through the efforts of this group headed by L. Ryzhkov, a congress was held in Sukhum (Abkhasiya) and announced the forming of an association. Prof. Parshin of Leningrad was elected president of the new association. The organization was also joined by B. Peshchevitskiy (Novosibirsk, Siberian Div. Ac. Sci. USSR), F. Kanarev (Krasnodar), Dr. V. Atsyukovskiy, and others. The association plans to publish a journal available by subscription in conjunction with „Tekhnika molodezhi“, in which authors with ideas running counter to the official doctrine may freely expound their opinions. In the just published December issue of „Tekhnika molodezhi“ L. Ryzhkov accused the supporters of the Einstein theory of using the country’s political machinery to suppress the voice of their opponents. He recalled the words of Academician Abram Ioffe, who [under Stalin] had called opponents of the Einstein theory „anti-Stalinists“. The article enjoys wide popularity in scientific circles.“ 

Die Physik-Diktatur der Relativistik wird amüsanterweise dort zerbrochen, wo man gerade dabei ist, sich von einer Polit-Diktatur zu befreien.

Im Deutschland der Untertanen hat es in diesen Jahren ebenfalls schon derartige Aktivitäten gegeben, jedoch ohne den Rückhalt einer Zeitschrift mit 2 Millionen-Auflage (Tekhnika molodezhi).


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