Cracks in Einstein’s Universe

von Christo Mantzaris

Cracks in Einstein’s Universe:
[the meaning (or meaninglessness)  of special relativity]
Christo Mantzaris

In: The general science Journal,  2005

Aufgenommen im GOM-Projekt: 2394 weitere kritische Veröffentlichungen
zur Ergänzung der Dokumentation Textversion 1.2 – 2004, Kapitel 4.


Auszug: „This article critically examines four pillars of special relativity: Einstein’s theory of relative motion, his rejection of the concept of an independent trajectory of motion through space for motion relative to a practically rigid body of reference, the relativity of simultaneity and the relativity of time. (…) How can we be assured that we’re talking about the same event? As we noted earlier in discussing trajectories, if there is no actual event of which the two different events are descriptions, there is no basis to determine that they are descriptions of one common event.

The notion of the relativity of simultaneity is based, not on two different events being different for two different observers, but on one same event being two different events for two different observers. For only in such a case can one contend that the same event is simultaneous for one observer and not simultaneous for another.

But what event is this same event? It cannot be either of the two descriptions because then the other, being different, could not be a valid description of it. For example the common event cannot be the simultaneous one, because then the other, the event at two different times, could not be a valid description of it.

And of course the same is true if we chose the event that occurs at 2 different times, because then the simultaneous event could not be a valid description of it. (…) What then becomes of those events that occurred in the universe of one observer but not in that of the other once the train has stopped and the two observers share a common time. Did these events and there consequences occur or not? If the answer is affirmative then they occurred for both observers and if they didn’t then they didn’t for both. The point is that if there is now commonality of events, then the times could not have been different. If the answer is negative, it remains for the relativists to explain what happens to events and there consequences that occurred for one observer but not for another now that they share a common time in a common universe.“



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