Unified Fluid Based Theory of Physics

von Tom Lang

Unified Fluid Based Theory of Physics
Tom Lang

2012, 19th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, Albuquerque, NM, United States

Mainstream physics claims that it is impossible to physically understand basic aspects of physics. This paper contradicts this claim by describing a new theory of physics that is presented in a recent book of mine with this same title. This new physics theory provides a
physical understanding of gravity, photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, nuclear forces, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, the universe, and more. These new physical understandings together form a unified theory that stems from basic laws of physics and fluid dynamics. Here, space, mass, length, and time remain essentially normal. This unusual theory is remarkably different from Einsteins relativity, current theoretical physics, and the ether theory of the 1800s. Instead of filling a mind-boggling 11-dimensional space with tiny strings, as in a recent theory in theoretical physics, a normal 3-dimensional space is filled with spatial fluid. This theory describes how a new pulsing concept provides quantum and gravitational properties, and how ring-shaped masses of rotating spatial fluid provide what are known as electromagnetic fields and the nuclear strong and weak forces. All neutral particles are combinations of fluid rings. These fluid rings and neutral particles then form atoms that lead to a universe that is probably very different from the Big Bang. This radically new theory of physics provides a far better physical understanding of physics, unifies physics, and offers a new understanding of our universe.



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