The Sagnac Effect and the Postulates on the Velocity of Light

von Parry Moon,  Domina Eberle Spencer, Uma Y. Shama

The Sagnac Effect and the Postulates on the Velocity of Light
Parry Moon,  Domina Eberle Spencer, Uma Y. Shama

In: Physics Essays, Volume 4, Number 2, 1991

With uniform translation absolute velocity is meaningless; only relative velocity is significant. On the other hand, absolute rotational velocity can be measured, as was demonstrated by Sagnac in 1913. If the original Einstein postulate of 1905 is employed in
a coordinate system attached to a rotating turntable, the Sagnac effect is not predicted. However, if the modified postulates, Postulate I* and III*, which were developed to explain the Michelson-Gale effect, are applied to the Sagnac experiment in suitable nonrotating coordinate systems, the fringe shift found by Sagnac is predicted.



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