Detecting Earth’s Rotation Through Space Using a Large Area Sagnac Interferometer

von Doug Marett

Detecting Earth’s Rotation Through Space
Using a Large Area Sagnac Interferometer

Doug Marett (2011)

The YouTube video of this experiment is here

The original Michelson Morley experiment sought to measure earth’s motion through space using a purely optical means. As is well known, this experiment failed to detect the translational motion of the earth in its orbit around the sun. The issue, as Lorentz pointed
out, is that even if a preferred frame for the speed of light exists, the first order Doppler effects due to translation cancel out around any closed path optical system, and the Lorentz contraction cancels any second order effects.  However, these effects do not cancel out in rotation, and it is possible to detect earth’s rotational motion through space, and in so doing, demonstrate that the speed of light is not equal to C in the frame of the rotating observer. What this means is that for a perfectly stationary optical device in the laboratory frame, one can detect a difference in the speed of light in the clockwise vs. counter-clockwise directions in a fiber optic loop, and the difference corresponds to the net rotation of the loop with respect to some external preferred frame, that frame might alternatively be referred to as 1) the non-rotating gravitational frame of the earth,  or 2) what is commonly referred to as the frame of the „fixed stars“.



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