If Sagnac and Michelson-Gale, Why Not Michelson-Morley?

von Howard C. Hayden und Cynthia Kolb Whitney

If Sagnac and Michelson-Gale, Why Not Michelson-Morley?
Howard C. Hayden

Galilean Electrodynamics, 1990, Volume 1, No. 6, pp. 71-75

It is difficult to find critical work about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in most standard physics journals. Galilean Electrodynamics, founded by the late Petr Beckman in 1989, is a notable exception. Since Einstein’s 1905 paper, Relativity has had many critics and
although it is widely accepted today, there is still a minority who question the central tenets of Relativity Theory. Galilean Electrodynamics is devoted to publishing high quality scientific papers, refereed by professional scientists, that are critical of Special Relativity, General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Big Bang theory and other establishment doctrines.

Referat von G.O. Mueller:

(S. 71): „Anisotropy in the speed of light due to coordinate frame rotation has been amply demonstrated throughout the present century. The original experiment by Sagnac used a rotating table in a laboratory setting. The first of several subsequent experiments using instead the diurnal rotation of the earth was performed by Michelson and Gale. Predating both of these early rotationsensing experiments was the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, whose null result is often cited as experimental proof for the constancy of light speed otherwise assumed in special relativity theory. But since it was conducted on the surface of the earh, the Michelson-Morley experiment was also conducted in a rotating frame. Although not sensitive enough to pick up diurnal rotation, the experiment should have seen the orbital motion of the earth rotating around the sun.

How exactly did the null result then come about?“



Siehe auch vom Autor Howard C. Hayden in diesem Blog:
Is the velocity of light isotropic in the frame of the rotating earth?

und von der Autorin Cynthia Kolb Whitney:
About the Arrow of Time


Eine Antwort zu “If Sagnac and Michelson-Gale, Why Not Michelson-Morley?”

  1. Salih K?rcalar

    Please can you analysis in my web site http://www.timeflow.org

    And,Very small free roaming particles lifetime very short.[free photons, free notron, free proton,free
    electron ,vs].And their lifetime is its energy Mc2. Protons are observed to be stable and their theoretical minimum half-life is 1×10’36 years.Grand unified theories generally predict. That proton
    decay should take place, although experiments so far have only resulted in a lower limit 10’35 years for proton’s lifetime. I see that. The earth lifetime is its Mc’2 energy. When this is calculated
    the lifetime of earth.

    Earth Mass= 5.97×10’24 kg. the lifetime 1 kg of mass in space is 2851927903,26 years.

    Earth Lifetime is 1.7×10’34 years. I think that, this is a very interesting result. Thanks.

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