The Direct Verification of Length Contraction and Time Dilation in Modern Satellite Systems and Cosmological Studies.

von Curt Renshaw

The Direct Verification of Length Contraction and Time Dilation
in Modern Satellite Systems and Cosmological Studies.
Curt Renshaw
Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory, London, England, September 1998


The foundation upon which all of special relativity is built, after the assumption of a reference frame invariant velocity of light, is the assumed validity of
length contraction and time dilation. It is the nature of this change in length and time as measured by a remote observer that results in the relativity of simultaneity as described in Einstein’s famous railroad embankment experiment. Collectively, we refer to the combined length and time adjustments between reference frames as the relativistic Lorentz transformation. Under the tenets of special relativity, the Lorentz contractions are both real and reciprocal between observers.

As we approach the twenty-first century, the tools are becoming readily available to test directly the concepts of time dilation versus clock retardation and length contraction. These tools come in three varieties: extremely stable periodic cosmological sources such as millisecond pulsars, sophisticated earth-orbit timing and relay equipment such as the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) system, and ultra-sensitive astrometric resolution systems such as HIPPARCOS and the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM), due for launch in 2004. Pulsars may be used to test the validity of transforms that relate earth time to solar-barycenter time. The GPS system can test directly the adequacy and applicability of the relativistic velocity addition formula applied between several reference frames, and the SIM may be used for a direct measurement and verification of the Lorentz length contraction.

In this paper we will consider the nature of invariant observed light velocity, length contraction, time dilation, clock retardation, relative simultaneity and velocity addition. After establishing a firm conceptual footing, we will determine what the findings of the above listed projects tell us about special relativity and empirical versus metaphysical changes in the attributes of length and time.



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