5.-6. April 2014: 2nd Rational Physics Conference, Salzburg

2nd Rational Physics Conference
5.-6. April 2014, Salzburg, Austria

THIS NOT-FOR-PROFIT CONFERENCE has been organised independently of any academic or research institute or of any scientific society. There are no commercial, industrial or political interests involved. This is uncommon but ensures that no influence is exerted upon speakers or participants to force compliance with the authority of any that seek to foist dogmatic views upon Mankind in order to turn a profit, be it financial or social standing. Contemporary physics has lost contact with
physical reality. Mysticism and fancy has resulted in quite irrational notions being proposed to account for the physical Universe. This conference is a return to rational physics in terms that are comprehensible to any educated person, not just a small group of specialists.


Stephen  J. Crothers  (Astronomer, Independent Researcher, Queensland/Australia)
Black Holes and Big Bangs – a Fantastic Voyage 

Bill Gaede (Physicist, Argentina)
What is Physics? – What is Time? 

Hartwig Thim (Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz,  Austria)
Wo Einstein irrte – Why Special Theory of Relativity is wrong

Alexander Unzicker (Physicist,  Author, Germany)
The Higgs Fake – How Particle Physicists Fooled the Nobel Committee

Klaus  D. Witzel (Independent Researcher, Germany)
Physical Testament to the Origins of Intellectual Power Sports



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