Letter to all physicists: On logical errors underlying the special theory of relativity

von Temur Z. Kalanov

Letter to all physicists: On logical errors underlying the special theory of relativity
Temur Z. Kalanov
Institute of Electronics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

In: The general science journal. 2002 – 3 S. 

Aufgenommen im GOM-Projek 2394 weitere kritische Veröffentlichungen  zur Ergänzung der Dokumentation Textversion 1.2 – 2004, Kapitel 4.


[datiert: 24.6.02];  – S.1-2: On logical errors … ; S. 2-4: [2 Briefe]

Enthält 4 Texte: (1) einen Brief: „Letter to all Physicists. – June 24, 2002“; (2) die Abhandlung; On logical errors …; (3) zwei Briefe, jeweils zugleich gerichtet an den Präsidenten der APS (American Physical Society) und den Herausgebers der „Physical review letters“, in denen Kalanov auf die Ablehnung seiner Abhandlung antwortet. – Die Abhandlung analysiert den Michelson-Morley-Versuch.


“ (a) the Earth and the Sun are in a relative motion (V is the velocity of the relative motion). This means that the Earth is moving only in the Sun frame, and the Sun is moving only in the Earth frame; (b) the Michelson-Morley interferometer and an observer (doing measurements and calculations) are in the Earth frame.

Consequently, the interferometer and the observer are in the resting frame. Because of it, the comparison of experimental and calculated data must be made in the resting frame (this is a law of logic!)“ “ … the essential idea: in the case of resting frame, Michelson-Morley‘ formulae do not include the velocity V and, therefore, the experimental and calculated data of Michelson-Morley are in complete agreement with each other. On the other hand, such agreement proves that the Earth is a resting frame under the conditions of the Michelson-Morley experiments. This means that the Michelson-Morley experiments refute the special theory of relativity.“

„The essence of my manuscript is in the principal statement: (2) The contradiction between the experimental and calculated data of Michelson-Morley is due to that the fundamental comparison between them was made incorrectly.

In fact, the experimental and calculated data belong to the different systems of reference: the experimental data belong to the reference system related immobility with the Earth, and the calculated ones containing the velocity V of the motion of the Earth belong to the reference system related immobility with the Sun. Therefore, the comparison of this data with each other is the first and principal logical error. This error leads inevitably to the contraction hypothesis and its mathematical representation – Lorentz transformation formulae“.

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