Collapse of SRT 1: Derivation of electrodynamic equations from the Maxwell field equations

von Sankar Hajra und Antina Ghosh

Collapse of SRT
[Teil 1]: Derivation of electrodynamic equations
from the Maxwell field equations
Sankar Hajra, Antina Ghosh
In: Galilean electrodynamics. 16. 2005, Nr. 4, S. 63-70. Errata in: Hajra: Collapse of GRT. 2007, S. 76. – Zugleich unter: the general science journal

Die Forschungsgruppe G.O. Mueller referiert in der Ergänzung des Kapitels 4 ihrer Dokumentation diese Arbeit von Sankar Hajra und Antina Ghosh:

S. 63: „Heaviside (1888, 1889) and Thomson (1889) first correctly calculated the scalar and vector potentials of a steadily moving point charge by transforming d’Alembert’s equation for the potential for a steadily moving charge into Poisson’s form for a static charge by elongating a coordinate axis lying along the direction of the charge translation. They thus developed a way to solve dynamic problems like static problems, using an auxiliary equation in the form of Poisson’s potential equation. The present authors use this ingenious mathematical approach to derive from Maxwell’s field equations alone many useful electrodynamic equations, including auxiliary Lorentz transformation equations.“

Beurteilen Albert Einsteins Annahmen zur Speziellen Relativitätstheorie teils als nicht universal gültig, teils als „absurd from any realistic viewpoint“ (S. 64). „Moreover Einstein could not satisfy Mach’s criterion; e.g., when a radiating dipole moves relative to an observer who is at rest on Earth, there is a transverse Doppler effect, which has been confirmed by experiments. But if the radiating dipole is at rest on Earth, and an observer moves in the opposite direction, then from consideration of the Einsteinian idea of relative space, there should also be the same transverse Doppler effect. But this effect could not be shown by any experiment.

Therefore, it is clear that, just as absolute space and absolute time were the mental creations of Newton, relative space und relative time were the mental creations of Einstein. The only difference is that Newton’s assumptions are easy, independent, and plausible, whereas Einstein’s assumptions are complicated, interrelated and absurd.

Following [5], we show below that all those electrodynamic phenomena, including later experiments like the Ives-Stilwell experiment (1938) and the experiment of Farley et al (1966), could easily and physically be explained from Oliver Heaviside’s electrodynamics. This electrodynamics is a continuation of Newton’s mechanics.

In the last part of this paper, we have deduced, too, auxiliary Lorentz Transformation Equations from Heaviside’s electrodynamics.“

S. 70: „Conclusion. – We see that the electrodynamic equations, including auxiliary Lorentz’s transformation equations, can easily be deduced from Maxwell’s field equations following the ingenious mathematical treatment initiated by Heaviside and Thomson for the study of a steadily moving system of charges. We present all the above simple physical derivations as the first step toward an ultimate ‘collapse of Special Relativity Theory’, to be developed further in subsequent publication(s).“


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