Proof that Earth Does Not Revolve around the Sun: and Consequences for Special Relativity Theory

von Witold Nawrot

Proof that Earth Does Not Revolve around the Sun:
and Consequences for Special Relativity Theory
Witold Nawrot

2012, 19th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, Albuquerque, NM, United States

In 1971, Hafele and Keating performed the experiment in which they proved the time dilation effect with a help of macroscopic clocks. By consistently applying their reasoning
we come to the absurd conclusion that the Earth is not rotating around the Sun. Such a paradox is the result of the fact that Hafele and Keating performed their reasoning with the help of SRT, while the correct solution of this problem is possible only on base of GRT. In fact, Hafele and Keating proved GRT while their intention was proving SRT. If we take a closer look at other experiments confirming SRT we can see that all the experiments are the repetition of the mistake made by Hafele and Keating; however only their experiment allows for deriving such a spectacular conclusion. Therefore, one could question if is it possible to perform any experiments proving Special Relativity Theory at all.



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