Time, dark matter and Einstein’s greatest mistake

von Michael Spears

Time, dark matter and Einstein’s greatest mistake
Michael Spears
In: The General science Journal – 2010 – 6 S.   

Aufgenommen im GOM-Projekt: 2394 weitere kritische Veröffentlichungen zur Ergänzung der Dokumentation Textversion 1.2 – 2004, Kapitel 4.

Abstract: In the course of this paper I will seek to give a new explanation of two phenomena predicted by Albert Einstein in his theory of General Relativity, namely changes
in time in different gravitational field strengths, and gravitational red shifts.

Both of these phenomena have been confirmed by experiment, but I will show that although Einstein may have come to the correct conclusions about changes in time and red shifts in due to gravity it is possible that something other than what he explained is happening. The purpose of this paper is not to attempt to poke holes in the theory of General Relativity, rather to propose a new model for the two phenomena mentioned above.

Aim: To develop a new explanation for observed gravitational red shift and changes in measures of time in different gravitational fields, based on confirmed conclusions of General Relativity.

Introduction: According to Einstein’s theory of General Relativity in every gravitational field, a clock will go more quickly or less quickly, according to the position in which the clock is situated (at rest)”. If one has two clocks, one clock situated in a stronger gravitational field, and the other in a weaker gravitational field, the clock in the stronger gravitational field goes at a rate permanently slower than the clock in the weaker gravitational field.



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