The „twins“ paradox of relativity

von Herbert Dingle

The „twins“ paradox of relativity
Herbert Dingle

© IPC Electrical-Electronic Press Ltd. 1980
Reprinted from WIRELESS WORLD, October 1980

„What is long overdue is a general summing up of the whole matter, so that the source of the scandal can be located and removes without futile polemic”.

In Nature, volume 269, page 284 (22 September 1977) I put a question to Dr Tom Wilkie concerning an often advanced suggestion he had repeated for disposing of the twin paradox of relativity. He did not reply, but added a note stating that he would be writing me „privately“ on the matter. It was, of course, entirely proper that misunderstandings should be removed before the reply appeared, but although after considerable correspondence this seems to have been achieved. Dr Wilkie has not accepted my invitation to him now to publish his reply. It does not accord with recognised scientific practice that questions considered worthy of publication should remain without published answer, and it therefore become my duty to comment publicly myself on the implications of this incident.



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