On the optical dissymmetry of space and the laws of the reflection

von Ernest Esclangon

On the optical dissymmetry of space and the laws of the reflection
Ernest Esclangon, 1927

Original Article in French: Sur la dissymétrie optique de l’espace et les lois de réflexionComptes Rendus hebdomadaires des séances de L’Académie 1927 (T185) p.1593-1594.

The following observations that I have the honor to present to the academy appear to reveal an optical dissymmetry of celestial space, such as it appears by ground observations.

Lets take a telescope (L) which can turn around a vertical axis (altazimuth of the Observatory of Strasbourg; F=Im, 50). In front of the objective (O) is mounted a first mirror (M) whose normal forms an angle from approximately 55 degrees with the optical axis (FO). The rays resulting from the horizontal wire (F) of the reticle are reflected after their exit from the objective, on the mirror (M); then normally on a second mirror (Me) and, by the same way followed in opposite direction, return in (F). A lamp placed in L lights the wire (F) which one can see at the same time as its reflected image through the ocular microscope (m). The mirrors (M), (Me) and the lamp (l) are all interconnected to the optical device. The wire (F) is mobile and its vertical displacement is measured by a micrometric screw. We now proceed in the following way to the observations, which are, moreover, very delicate. The optical device is placed horizontally in the north-western direction, and one aligns into coincidence the wire (F) and its image, such that, in the set position, the direction of light in the optical device defines a ray which returns on itself.



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