New Gravity, Happily Divorced from Relativity

von David V. Connell

New Gravity, Happily Divorced from Relativity
David V. Connell

2011, 18th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, College Park, MD, United States

An error in Newton’s law of gravity is corrected by removing all mass from his equation, causing the demise of the invalid Planck units and the disappearance of gravitational mass. In GR, the assumption that g is constant for all substances becomes logically impossible.
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Albert Einstein will in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie ein Gravitationsfeld durch bloße Änderung des Koordinatensystems erzeugen können

von G.O. Mueller

Aus der Dokumentation von G.O. Mueller Kapitel 2 – Fehlerkatalog
L: Gravitation / Fehler Nr. 2 (English Version…):

Albert Einstein will in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie ein Gravitationsfeld durch bloße Änderung des Koordinatensystems erzeugen können

Albert Einstein 1916 (zitiert nach Abdruck 1923, S. ): „denn man kann ein Gravitationsfeld durch bloße Änderung des Koordinatensystems ‚erzeugen‘“ (die Anführungsstriche für „erzeugen“ stammen von Albert Einstein). Die physikalische Wirkungsweise von
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The Twilight of the Scientific Age

von Martín López Corredoira  

The Twilight of the Scientific Age
Martin Lopez Corredoira

Publisher: BrownWalker Press, 2013


This book gives a challenging point of view about science and its history/philosophy/sociology. Science is in decline. After centuries of great achievements, Den ganzen Beitrag lesen »

Evidence for the Anisotropy of the Speed of Light

von Robert J. Johnson

Evidence for the Anisotropy of the Speed of Light
Robert J. Johnson

2011, 18th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, College Park, MD, United States

The Beckmann model is considered in relation to both the Electric Universe perspective of a charged Earth and to the actual non-null results of the various Michelson-Morley-type experiments. It is demonstrated that the Beckmann model is consistent with both
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CERN Experiment: Are neutrinos indeed faster than light?

von Jocelyne Lopez

CERN Experiment: Are neutrinos indeed faster than light?
Jocelyne Lopez
2013, 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, College Park, MD, United States

Abstract:  We report on efforts made by the community of critics in Germany to achieve unambiguous clarification from those officially responsible on the important question as to how the clocks used for the neutrino measurements between CERN (Switzerland) and LNGS Gran Sasso (Italy) in 2011 and 2012 were synchronized. In accordance with Einstein’s assumption of c=const or with Sagnac’s c+v?

Das Märchen der GPS-Navigatoren als Bestätigung der Relativitätstheorie

von Harald Maurer

Die Relativisten werden nicht müde, überall laut zu posaunen, dass die Relativitätstheorie tagtäglich durch die GPS-Navigation bestätigt werde. Auch diese Behauptung entpuppt sich als ein propagandistisches Märchen für ein Publikum von Physiklaien und als eine dreiste Täuschung der Öffentlichkeit.

Harald Maurer erläutert mit allgemein verständlichen Ausführungen – auch für Physiklaien – dass diese laut verkündete und gelehrte angebliche Bestätigung der Relativitätstheorie gar keine ist: Die vermeintlichen “relativistischen Effekte“, falls sie existieren sollten, sind viel zu winzig, um beobachtbare Auswirkungen in unserer Alltagsdimension zu haben. Es
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G.O. Mueller – The German Research Project “95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)”

von G.O. Mueller

G.O. Mueller – The German Research Project
“95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)”
[GOM-Project Relativity Theory]
2013, 20th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, College Park, MD, United States

The international reception of our project

Although our anonymous research project is based in Germany it has an international scope covering publications from all countries since 1908 (the year of the first publication critical of Den ganzen Beitrag lesen »

Improved Relativity Theory (IRT) and the Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG)

von Ken H. Seto

Improved Relativity Theory (IRT) and the Doppler Theory of Gravity (DTG)
Ken H. Seto

2011, 18th Natural Philosophy Alliance Conference, College Park, MD, United States

A new physical model of our universe called Model Mechanics has been formulated. Model Mechanics posits that a structured and elastic medium called the E-Matrix occupies all of pure space. The S-Particles are the only mass bearing fundamental particles that exist in
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An astronomical test for the second postulate of the special theory of relativity

von Juan J. Schulz Poquet

An astronomical test for the second postulate
of the special theory of relativity
Juan J. Schulz Poquet

In: Apeiron –  12. 2005, No. 2, April, S. 228-255 – 28 S.

Aufgenommen im GOM-Projekt: 2394 weitere kritische Veröffentlichungen zur Ergänzung der Dokumentation Textversion 1.2 – 2004, Kapitel 4.

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The Graviton Experiment

von Robert de Hilster  

The Graviton Experiment
Robert de Hilster

This paper describes and experiment which attempts to prove that the graviton or gravity quantum exists by using the concepts introduced by Argentinean physicist Dr. Ricardo Carezani. The experiment tries to find a difference between Newton’s empirical
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